today at class wei xiang ask me to change my template.. wth sia.. then i change lo.. i say transparent.. now transparent liao... so boring... and still go very far to play tamiya... waste time,waste $$ waste my everything... when i reach home.. nothing to do... so play all my game finish i play dota with eric.. after play finish we play public... after that i really nothing to do.. i go do custom items for zeusro... dont know will work or not.. hope it's work.!! i got 2 picture!!
this is my sword... nice hor?? lolx...

let me explain why i have this picture..

i have this because someone watch porn and he go and watch too... wat a bad boy... after that the porn finish, he gone berserk... so we handling him not to rape some girls in the class.. so this is wat happening... LOL!! finish... bye bye...