yoyoyo!! first time do own blog and make so many changes... and this template/layout is i make de leh!! u see i so pro!! but still abit ugly la... hope u all don't mind... lolx... i so stupid.. LOL
i have 1 picture... hehehe... at class take de... hahahaha
see, he watching porn... so bad... wakakakkakakaka... phone got porn and put at table and watch leh!! he so pro!! wow!! clap clap~~~~ hahaha
games: ragnarok, Ran online ,facebook games. single/attached
SA2 get more than 3 As GCE "N" LEVEL GET MORE THAN 3 As!! CLASS CHALET!! have a better results... study hard T.T have a GF? o.oll new phone... MY "PAY" COME ON TIME! LOL