today damn tired and when i wake up, i still thinking that want go sch or not... then decided to go sch since got netball to watch.. then go sch talk talk talk talk talk talk talk, then recess, then talk talk talk, talk until cannot finish the work, then go comp lab, listen listen listen listen, and teacher found out i do 1 action, when that is my secret! LOL, then PE PE PE PE, bored bored bored, then after that netball match, we won the first round, then the other 2 lost. the last round alnin angry.. since the malay pull his "tag" down so he cant jump up, then he angry angry!! after that round he want to kio(how spell??) the malay.. then he go quarrel with the malay, but i cant stop! i want to stop de wo, then zhi lin come le... then go celebration wall, talk talk talk... then say want fight fight fight, kio kio kio~~ then go home le lor... here some pic pic.. phone not good, picture also not good