today was almost late for sch, wake up at around 7.45, go take bus at 8.05... then on my way to sch, watched "hi my sweetheart" again.. but only awhile.. not even 1 part.. kns.. then reach sch, put bag go hall.. today have prefect investiture! saw derrick... sian.. after that no mood see concert le, but nice.. and the dance was.. woo! cant take the pic T.T... then math, do 1 worksheet for 3 periods.. LOL!(actually 1~2period taking about CNY celebration) then english, teacher talk about what to do later after recess. recess eat abit only.. then not nice, almost eat finish liao, but afterall, throw... then go bk class.. then english, teacher make us laugh like hell sia.. talking about total defense day.. then CPA! HAHAHA, here the video..
then damn funny la.. other people take and see the video and laugh.. LOL!! then go in comp lab, zhi lin use my phone go FACEBOOK AND LOL!! nvm, quite funny actually... i thinking i got a pic of the girl de meh... then he say its facebook.. scare me.. then DnT! taken this few picture.. they so bad! broke the sch rules!

1 day dreaming, 1 using phone, 1 sleeping.. GOT MORE SIA! sit beside me de girl also use phone.. bad bad.. i best de...
then after sch go eat mac, then go play.. taken this photo too~~

then go home and blog lor...
who the hell wanna play with me? imma the MVP! getting MVP with the "well-known" blackshot player. REPULSE!
here the pic pic