i friday very bo liao la... take report book liao then go take picture...
don't ever comment on my results or u kill u.
and hor my name is JASPER TAN WAI KOON!! LOL!!! my name strange strange de la.. dont care hor.. LOL!!
u know why i call myself jasper??
here is the answer!
from age 0~8 is named jasper, after that my mother change name to francis because of my REAL GOOD RESULTS... because my name is(jasper, break it is jas,per) so, per is poor. wtf right??? my mother say 1... lolx...
and from 9~14 is francis. 6 years named francis, 8 years named jasper, so which is better?? JASPER LA!! LOL.. bye bye

if u see carefully, u will think of a thing... think liao tell me hor... HAHAhAHA